Saturday, April 24, 2010

Advil Commercial

Now, with this Advil commercial, the persuader relies mostly on Aristotle’s, ethos approach. This is because as soon as the commercial starts, the narrator declares Nolan Ryans “superpowers” when it comes to baseball. For example, the commercial claims that therefore, Advil states its credibility right from the start. Everyone one looks up to the pro athletes because they are perceived as having god-like qualities. Therefore, according to Aristotle, if the audience believes that the main speaker has “good sense, good moral character, and goodwill," we are inclined to believe what that speaker says to us. So, if the pro baseball player needs Advil to play, so do we.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Anti-Racism Commercial

This is a very influential commercial that persuades viewers to stop racism. This is effective because it allows for the need for reassurance of worth allowing every race to be valued because we are all the same. This is forms a basis for persuasive appeal by allowing us to believe that if we are not racist, we in turn, are better people. When we feel less important as individuals, we become vulnerable targets for the evil of racism. This commercial shows that we are all unique individuals that need to stop hating because of the color of ones skin.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Hummer Commercial

This Hummer commercial demonstrates the need for a sense of power or strength. This is depicted through the Hummer being the only one to withstand natural disasters. This sense of power can also be seen through the enormous size of the car, i.e. the bigger the car, the more powerful you are. This commercial is very persuasive because it shows the viewer that only the Hummer can “run from point B to point A” and not be harmed.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Neutrogena Skin ID Commercial

This Neutrogena SkinID commercial uses many tactics to persuade. The commercial used the need for love and esteem needs. Everyone knows that having acne can be a very horrifying condition with detrimental effects to ones esteem. As the name implies, this product is unique to every individual that uses it . People that see this commercial will feel welcomed and part of something because everyone has different skin and this product can potentially help me. This commercial also uses direct evidence to state is credibility. The chart shows that more people see direct results than people who don’t. This is because Neutrogena SkinID is dermatologist recommended so it must work. This is a very persuasive commercial because it uses both emotional and logical appeal and the product states its credibility from the start by having actress Hayden Panettiere as the spokeswoman.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Piracy Commercial

This commercial relies on guilt appeal to persuade. This is a guilt driven commercial because guilt comes from a realization that we have violated some rule or code of conduct. In this video, the actors claim that piracy is against the law and that we shouldn’t do it. The actors make a good point by saying that “I cant share something that’s not mine, that sounds more like stealing”. They also say that downloading songs and movies from websites is ILLEGAL and you can go to jail. This commercial makes you think twice about what you download on the internet thus making it very persuasive.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Anti-Drug Commercial

Fear is one of the most familiar emotions that one experiences and one of the most popular tactics in persuasion. Appeals to the emotion fear have been one of the most researched issues in persuasion for good reason. Sometimes fear tactics can backfire like in this Anti-Drug commercial. The message of not doing cocaine is so powerful that the actor rips open his scalp, grabs a couple pieces of his brain and snorts it as if he were doing coke. This was so gruesome that I did not want to watch the whole thing (even though I did). I felt that this Anti-Drug commercial was too strong to stomach, inappropriate, and just simply unbelievable. In most uses of fear appeals, the persuader must first convince persuades of the probability of the threat before offering a means. I was not convinced that doing cocaine is just like ripping open your scalp and snorting your brain. The fear appeal was not tactfully used in this commercial therefore weakening its persuasion ability.